WhaleFall Haven
About the Game
Dev Details
WhaleFall Haven is a sci-fi adventure CRPG where players play the role of a character who wakes up with no memory and explores the mysterious "Omnicport Junction" space station, built upon the remains of a gigantic creature. Along the way, players will encounter a colorful cast of characters from far-off planets and alternate dimensions.
In this game, players will use a skill called "Existence Mimicry" to copy the knowledge, skills, and social status of NPCs. With the freedom to copy different characters and use various strategies to solve quests, players will gradually unlock the hidden conspiracies within the space station and uncover the truth about their own past.
Team Size: Temp 10 (For demo dev)
Development Duration: 7 month (total of 24 months expected)
Engine: Unity
Work Hours: Full-Time
My Responsibilities
Project Manager
Development Management
Conducted research on Unity assets, including the Dialogue System, and implemented it to improve the narrative pipeline for a more efficient collaboration mode
Assisted in QA testing of narrative cinematics and gameplay based on the new assets.
Collaborated with programmers and level designers to develop the "Existence Mimicry" gameplay feature.
General Project Management
Developed and maintained a high-level plan with a roadmap and game development overview, consistently delivering builds based on testing requirements and deadlines.
Organized weekly group meetings and one-on-one meetings with stakeholders to ensure timely delivery of tasks and provide updates on the project's progress.
Conducted one-on-one meetings with team members to discuss ways to improve efficiency, build team morale, and listen to feedback and suggestions.
Communicated effectively with internal and external teams, including game content consultations, artworks, audio designs, and festival/event enrollments.
Game Features
Gameplay Video